Knockout Master [Round 11] By MooN

MooN Games has released a new game called Knockout Master, Round 10 version. The game's plot follows you as a boxer who dreams of becoming a boxing league champion while dealing with different people in his life. Who will you choose and what will you do to become a knockout master?

Developer: MooN
File Size: 2.17 GB
Version: Round 11
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Languages: English

Game Change Log:

S2 – Round 11 (v1.11):

  1. 1700+ New Renders
  2. 86 New Animations
  3. Phone code & UI changes
  4. New “Social media” app
  5. New “News” app
  6. 12+ New Gallery pages
  7. 3 New Phone Wallpapers
  8. Main Menu Background updated
  9. New Music & Sound effects
  10. Minor code fixes

S2 – Round 10 (v1.10a): (December 28, 2022)

  1. 12 Renders reworked/edited
  2. Typos corrected

Game Images & Screenshots