NSFW Job Collection [0.8 + Christmas episode] By AlmondRaf

AlmondRaf Games has released a new game called NSFW Job Collection, version 0.8+ Christmas episode. The plot of the game is that you are a content moderator in some modeling agency. You sort content into categories (including NSFW). Sometimes bosses can be annoying, but this is not about Yulia!

She will not let you get bored, and will also teach you everything she knows.. Flirt with her to get closer and collect her photos. Be warned, she can be a little slutty sometimes...​

Developer: AlmondRaf
File Size: 115.3 MB
Version: 0.8 + Christmas episode
OS: Windows, Linux, Android
Languages: English

Game Change Log:

NSFW Job(Christmas episode) v0.2:

  1. Some plot changes, new dialogs and storylines
  2. One more “happy” end So there are 2 now(one of them is kinda secret, so pay attention and listen to Alice’s hints..)
  3. 2 new animated scenes and 10+ new pics
  4. Credits

Game Images & Screenshots