Follow the Leader [v0.11] By SuperWriter

SuperWriter Games has released a new game called Follow the Leader, version 0.11. The plot of the game is about you living in a world where all the power and authority belongs to people called barons. Your mother was part of the baron's harem and you were raised as a servant in his house when she was sold to him and you came along with her, but your mother eventually had enough of the baron's cruelty and ran away, leaving you to suffer alone. .

However, over the years you try your best and finally, at age 25, have earned enough credits to buy your freedom, but when you get in the way of a baron abusing his lab-grown harem of perfect and gorgeous women because they refuse to sleep with against him, you are essentially giving up your freedom and locking yourself in his prison to be executed the next day.

However, three cloned women help you and you all escape together. Where will you go? What are you going to do?

Developer: SuperWriter
File Size: 1.50 GB
Version: 0.11
OS: Windows, Linux, Mac, Android
Languages: English

Game Change Log:



  1. 13K words
  2. 205 renders

Game Images & Screenshots