Dragon Girl X Universe [v0.55] By Shutulu

Shutulu Games has released a new game called Dragon Girl X Universe Version 0.55. The game's plot tells how, after adventures on earth, the angels take the protagonist to explore the entire multiverse in order to save it from imminent destruction, meeting characters from all of the Dragon Ball sagas along the way.

Developer: Shutulu
File Size: 379.8 MB
Version: 0.55
OS: Windows, Mac, Android
Languages: English

Game Change Log:


  1. the a18 quest has been changed to the system that the other quests use, in addition to adding new CG.
  2. Videl’s quest has been fixed, before there were issues with his quest preventing him from unlocking one of his scenes as well as adding CG to his quest.
  3. The display of items in the menu was changed, now you can see the obtained items and not just their name.
  4. The system to heal the sidekids was changed, now after three fights she will be injured, so you have to heal her in the infirmary.
  5. The art of the healing scenes was updated.
  6. Changes were made to the combat HUB, now the real number of HP and KI should be reflected.
  7. The CG gallery was added, now you can see the art that accompanies the girls’ quests.
  8. Fixed several minor bugs, hoping that the game can be played without major problems in its entirety
  9. Kale and Caulifla’s dance fusion was added, Caufla

Game Images & Screenshots